Getting stuck seems to be what we do best on the Hillman Farm.
For your viewing pleasure, here are just a few of our more interesting moments….
March 29, 2008, my Cowboy called and said that there was a steer STUCK IN A TREE. 
Yes, those were his exact words…. Stuck.In.A.Tree!
This was on Sunday morning and my Cowboy was ready for church, and I remember that one of the boys was in the shower, and the other must have been on a sleepover, so I rushed to the scene with the tools to get the steer out of the tree.
But, I grabbed my camera on the way out the door. I just had to see this myself, and I wanted pictures to prove it! Yes, there he is. A big ol’ steer about 700 lbs with his head stuck in a huge knothole in a tree. Of course I’d picture like UP HIGH in a tree. But still…
Here’s my Cowboy working to free the steer. I actually have a video somewhere. The video is a little crazy because I got in an ant bed so the shots are going all over the place, and when the steer got free, he turned right toward me, so I sort of ran and squealed and acted like a crazy woman.
As soon as the steer was freed, the Cowboy cut the tree down right there on the spot. We didn’t want another animal to get its head stuck in that knothole!
Here’s the Cowboy getting the Kubota stuck. You would have thought he would go AROUND this body of water, but who knows what he was thinking. I think the guys had fun getting it out. In his defense, this land had just been cleared, and a bulldozer had buried a bunch of stumps. We had a hard rain and the swamp flooded and he went to drive the Kubota to higher ground. He just happened to drive right over one of the sinkholes where the stumps were buried!
Our last litter of puppies were adorable. I had an old sleeping bag that we used for bedding for the first few weeks of their lives. One of the puppies found a hole in the sleeping bag and crawled up inside and snoozed as snug as a pup in rug. Except THIS time he crawled all the way from one end of the bag to the other. That shiny “bump” is a sleeping puppy, just as happy as can be!
But I was worried he’d smother, so I got the scissors and cut a hole in the sleeping bag. You can see him squirming to get out after I interrupted his nap! I was having a hard time taking pictures AND rescuing the little daredevil!
In this picture, he’s just been freed from his cocoon and he’s the blur all stretched out headed across the mat. Probably on his way back to the other end so he can get back inside!

Here’s the newborn baby calf I rescued from the mud one Spring. He was belly deep in a bog. Poor little feller. But he made it fine after that. I was on the 4-wheeler the whole time because I didn’t trust the Big Mama cow, so I crawfished the 4-wheeler backward until I got out of the worst of the mud.

My Cowboy was at it again. Here he’s got the fertilizer truck buried. They had to scoop a bunch of fertilizer out before they could get the truck out.
All the neighbors with their big tractors came running….
It took a while, but success!

This is a small sampling of all the times we’ve been stuck in one way or another. Most recently, my Cowboy got stuck on the driveway and called me to come pull him out. It was raining and driveway was as slick as greased glass, and I ended up plastered on my backside in the road, muddy from head to toe. I’m thankful that I was able to get up without any proof of the incident to share on the internet.

Isn’t it funny how families seem to have little quirks? Getting stuck seems to be our quirk.