How many reasons do you need to attend ACFW? Let the Seekers count the ways….

“Worshipping, fellowshipping, learning and networking with other Christian writers.” ~ Missy Tippens

“I credit ACFW and their conference and contests and the connections I made for the fact that I’m published today. I absolutely owe ACFW and their conference for finding my first contract.” ~ Mary Connealy

“The ACFW Conference embraces the heart of Christian fiction in an informative and uplifting weekend-long event that fills me with gratitude to be part of an industry focused first and foremost on the Lord.” ~ Debby Giusti

“ACFW is the one conference I refuse to miss, and the biggest reason is the chance to hang out for three or four days with some of my very best writer friends–dear ones that I may only see once or twice a year! Sure, the workshops are great, and the conference offers a chance to meet with my fabulous agent in person. But nothing beats the warm hugs, encouragement, laughter, and prayers from the loyal friends who’ve walked this road with me.” ~ Myra Johnson

“Professional connection. ‘Big picture’ perspective. Learning. Camaraderie. Renewed sense of purpose.” ~ Glynna Kaye

“I love the ACFW conference! Having the opportunity to put names and faces together makes the whole year of developing friendships and contacts an adventure. Of course the worship and workshops are very fulfilling, but it’s the people that make me start counting down the days for conference the next year.” ~ Audra Harders

“Why attend the ACFW Conference??? Are you kidding??? Hobnobbing in the lobby bar after nine with Seekers and friends — an absolute highlight, as well as fabulous worship led by Rachel Hauck and her incredible team before the sessions. Because bottom line, there’s nothing better than mixing passion for God with passion for friends and writing!!” ~ Julie Lessman

“All conferences are terrific for networking, improving craft, understanding promotion and the publishing business, but no other conference inspires me as the ACFW conference does through daily worship sessions and keynote speakers that both motivate and change me.” ~ Janet Dean

“They say having an agent is like a marriage. I would certainly want to meet a husband before marriage, therefore I enjoy meeting agents, editors and those in the business who I could possibly be working with in the future. I love networking, learning the business and my favorite part is seeing my Seeker sisters and friends.” ~ Sandra Leesmith

“1. To serve. You can never outgive God or this organization.
2. The networking is absolutely beneficial, crucial even, to an author’s writing career whether the author is published or not yet published.
3. God always has an alternate conferenve agenda than the one we have planned. He surprises and delights in unexpected ways. But those blessings only come when we show up.” ~ Cheryl Wyatt

“Pam, here are my reasons to go to ACFW. Pick one or all–it’s up to you. I’m going to meet my agent, meet my friends and hopefully make a few new ones, meet editors and learn more about writing from the great workshops.” ~ Cara Lynn James

“I enjoy the warmth of getting to see familiar faces and online friends. A smaller conference allows you more one on one time to network and the slightly slower pace means you go home refreshed not exhausted! I look forward to it next year!” ~ Tina Radcliffe

“A reason to go to ACFW??? Like seeing the Seekers and all the friends of Seekerville ain’t ’nuff? 🙂

Writing is such a singular pastime. The fellowship bonds we forge online with one another, our precious friends of Seekerville, people I know and trust from playing with them cross-country via the Internet…

Now I’ll get to meet them! Hug them! Make fun of them in person! AND I GET TO MEET PEPPER BASHAM IN PERSON!

Oh, snap! CANNOT WAIT!

For me that’s a huge reason right there, but the other thing is that ACFW attracts strong professionals to the conference. My editor and agent will both be there. We’ll get to talk career, fall foliage, chocolate. PERFECT! And a lot of LI authors attend ACFW. And…

Wait. You said one reason???? Oh my stars, how can I limit it to ONE???? Stomping off and pouting in righteous Ruthy indignation.” ~ Ruth Logan Herne

Okay, you got 3 for one on most of the Seekers, and enough from Ruthy to cover ALL of us. Ahem. But I agree with her (for once!) I CANNOT wait, either! Honestly, if all those reasons above aren’t reason enough to go to ACFW, there aren’t reasons enough in the whole wide world to convince you.

I love me some ACFW Conference!

What are you waiting for? Go the the ACFW website and sign up HERE!

Now, are you ready for some fun? We have three, count ’em, THREE, chances to win today….

To celebrate the release of Stealing Jake, my July debut release from Tyndale, I’m giving away one copy to one lucky commenter today.


Stealing Jake is FREE for a limited time on Amazon/Kindle and B&N/Nook, so there will not be a drawing for the ebook today. Just click to download for free! And, if you love it (please say you will!), then hop on Amazon & B&N and leave a review.

And if you haven’t signed up for my KINDLE GIVEAWAY, what are you waiting for? Click on the BUTTON and sign up!

In your comments, let me know if you’ve signed up for the Kindle Giveaway and my mailing list either today (or already), and your name will be in the drawing for this darling vintage Cornhusk doll. It was made in 1988 by the Mullenix Family. It’s so precious, I hate to part with it.

Award-winning author Pam Hillman writes inspirational fiction set in the turbulent times of the American West and the Gilded Age. Her debut book, Stealing Jake, won the American Christian Fiction Writer’s Genesis contest and was a finalist in Romance Writers of America’s prestigious Golden Heart contest. She lives in Mississippi with her husband and family.

6 thoughts on “Fifteen Rockin’ Reasons to attend the ACFW Conference!

  1. Audra Harders

    Of course we all gave more than one reason…seeing all the Seekers together would take up the one reason you asked for! LOL!

    I love the new Calico Trails site, Pam. Very warm. Very inviting.

    Very you!!

    See you in St. Louis!

  2. Ausjenny

    Wow what a cute doll. I didn’t know what a corn husk doll looked like and now I do its sweet.
    I agree with Audra I will be a follower then. I need to go sign up for the newsletter.

  3. Ausjenny

    forgot to say I am signed up now. is the giveaway open to overseas people. (I dont need a kindle so dont need to enter but wanted to join the mail list) but I have aussie readers who may want to enter.

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